
Celestial Handshake
Celestial Handshake

This oil painting was done with palette knives.

I was driving South on the freeway. It was early in the morning when the sun is barely rising and still creating shadows. The sun is just beginning to light up the sky. It was a rather breezy early morning and cloud formations were moving across the sky. There was light traffic so I had the opportunity to look around through the windshield of my truck. For a few moments, I saw a cloud formation resembling two hands appear to be nearing one another as if to shake hands. It was mesmerizing and I wanted to stop to see what would become of the meeting clouds but there were no exits in those driving moments. The only option I had was to commit it to memory and sketch it at a later time. It would have been grand if I could have stopped to photograph the sky or if I had had a passenger to take the photo while I drove along.

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Site and Images by: W. Okanovic